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fly box porn

I spend hours, nights and days organizing my fly boxes before any trip…or just a random Tuesday night. I’ll sit at my desk fluffing the feathers just to make sure they sit right in the box.

I’m sick in the head, but I know I’m not alone. We all do it. Sitting there, looking at our flies, daydreaming about how that fly in the top left is going to crush. Then you take it out, analyze it, brush it again. I do it over and over. I move flies around constantly. A perfectly organized box filled with flies is like porn for anglers. Fly box porn.

fly box porn


I love looking at other anglers’ fly boxes. A filled box is a thing of beauty. Everyone has their own style, whether it’s the flies they tied or how they organized the box. When you open that box filled to perfection that’s as good as it gets. I can nerd out all day and look at boxes.


The outside of a box is also important. Do you leave it blank? Do you plaster it with stickers like some all-city graffiti king? Or just go all out and do a painting on it?

fly box porn- painted fly boxes


The boxes featured in this article belong to tiers and friends and are just flat out top notch. Enjoy.


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